Children, Family
Having a child is to discover a new world every day in our eyes. Often our children are closed, not open, and the parents they represent an unknown universe, and there remains difficult to understand, make our own.
Many parents fill the gaps created between them and the boys trying to become their friends, nothing more wrong! A parent is and still remains the adult, one who deserves respect and honor (4 ° coman.Onora father and mother), but at the same time should not take advantage of this role, say, "command" to carry out an education over rigid and guided by fear. Dialogue here is the keyword that erases every barrier that exceeds the obstacle of incomprehension, doubt, fear subsidiary. Jesus conversed with the children, tried to draw from them the good seed to grow in order to shape their future adult life, and so must the Christian parent, stand alongside the boys sharing the choices, fears, tastes, but with that bit of parenting that does not hurt. The children in the family's point of reference, knowing they can count on a father and a mother who love them, and parents, while maintaining their place of respect, will have a better chance, that is, to be able to form with their boys one world.
these strangers, the very heart of God
The Lord God created man and woman in His own image and likeness, how many Sometimes we read these words of Genesis to the end without understanding its meaning. Meaning among other things very simple in that it indicates a strong and powerful love of the Creator, a love that would not be an end in itself but as far as possible spread to other creatures.
Here, the family desired by God is born on this basis, the knowledge that God's heart that beats in today's society, where everyone tries to minimize costs and make no inner strength, where the devil tries to creep in to destroy it as he did with that of our first parents Adam and Eve. Why the devil knows that where there is love, marriage, God exists and can not bear this intimacy between the divine and the human, trying desperately to break this idyll. And if the couple there is faith, there is a love responsibly wanted, if in fact what should be God's heart does not beat it right then the devil go ahead and make all sorts of mischief, tearing and destroying each parcel of married life. But if instead, the couple have within them the seal of God on the breastplate of faith and nothing can separate them and the heart that brought them together in the bond of marriage will be bound forever to the Lord, living with him and for him