Too often we forget the importance and role of a child in our lives and we just think we are the only bearers of love for our creatures.
But children are not our own: we are God's instruments, as parents, to give them life, love, but not for this we must consider them as persons subject to our will. We often read of "Padre Padrone", possessive mothers, without thinking that the only one who can hold the exclusivity of their children's lives (like our) God is
We must leave our children free to make their choices (always in tune with the Christian faith and prinicipi) but not the share.
Many families are saddened when a son or daughter decides to take her vows: I grieve, why grieve? It 's a joy for that to happen, because it means that young creature who has been touched by the Lord.
If God has decided to enter the heart of the boy or girl means so arrogant that they were a great gift from God to parents. Amiamoli so our kids, whatever choice they do, although it may take them away from us to serve God by lay or religious. They can only get the good that we all ricolmerà divine grace.