Friday, October 24, 2008

Free Mysore Malligemovies

LA Family of Jesus 'WE

From the Gospel of Mark chapter. 3, 31-35

"They came his mother and his and brothers, standing outside, sent him to call. Everything was sitting around the crowd and said: "Behold your mother, your brothers and your sisters are outside asking for you." But he answered them, "Who is my mother and who are my brothers?". Looking around on those who sat around and said, Behold my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God, he is my brother, sister and mother. "

Jesus makes us understand that being a family means to unite his own will to that of the other components. Each of us can not live without in their own world conform to what is the "rule" of life of the group to which they belong: a child can not ignore the father's wishes, but if you want to live with justice, must listen to the teachings of it.

Certainly, modern society has led to the so-called "youth protest", but with what result? Chaos and difficulties of communication in the family and outside, intolerance for anything that is "law", "discipline", "authority" in some touching up to moral anarchy and civil cases.

Jesus tells us that only by loving God with a heart cleansed from many doubts, worries of the world we can overcome evil. We as children belong to our Heavenly Father and He loved us even with our mistakes and with our sins. To love God means to do His will as obedient children, and sure to be heard in the prayers because we try to do our mirror of the Gospel of life.

Monday, October 13, 2008

How To Camouflage Thermostat Wall

The Word of God day and night

E 'the experience in Rome at the Basilica of St. Cross in Jerusalem, where for seven days, 24 hours at 24 has been fully read the Holy Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
Common people, actors, singers, politicians and prelates have given the change in the reading of passages.
The first reading was His Holiness Benedict XVI and the last Secretary of State Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone. Great crowd, making even long lines, has assisted in church and out, reading, and the event has attracted a great interest in the Book of Books, so much so that there was a rush of buying ... best seller of all time, the book - truth that knows no end because it is based on a word of life that comes from him who is master of it.