Many times we happened to be present during the Eucharistic celebration, renewal of marriage vows of couples who were celebrating the 25 th, 50 th and even 75 ° wedding anniversary (the latter were formed, at the time, married with young). Well, see the sweetness of these people, many of them white-haired and with a host of grandchildren and great grandchildren that run along the church can not fail us tenderness ... God has been present in them when they chose to follow him, love him and honor him through life together, they said yes to your invitation to listen and put into practice his word, despite the many difficulties of every day. They have not said enough to the first uncertainty, but have asked for help to the Spouse for excellence, who, taking his hand, was able to show them the right way to get out of those difficult times.
It 's only through constant prayer, where small gestures of love that makes each couple blessed the darling of the Father.
For many Christian couples do not need advice from men, tips often dictated by selfishness and superficiality, you need only look at the face of Jesus, the true Spouse of the Church of the home, and Mary, Mother of the Family .
accustom our young people to live within themselves, to cultivate this feeling towards God .. so there would be fewer divorces, less litigation, and family that, in the name of the Lord opened the doors of his heart with the simplicity of the faith never died down to those who live near them.