Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fall Asleep Pressure Point

January 19, 2011: Full Moon

Tonight at 22:23 will be the first full moon 2011. The

full moon is a magical moment, all of nature - women, men, plants and animals - he perceives the force. The rites and spells are more effective.

The Moon affects plant growth and hair, pregnancy, water, and tides and amniotic fluid, where children are in a hurry to be born.
The lunar cycle is related to the menstrual cycle and the full moon is the time of ovulation and fertility to the woman who gives energy.

was born on 19 January 1089 the writer Edgar Allan Poe , author of horror stories and one of the leading representatives of the gothic novel.

Proverb : The Moon is light as a bright day in January.


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