Sunday, December 28, 2008

Huntik Anime Mediafire


Today December 28th, the Church celebrates the feast of St. Family of Nazareth. A particular family from which it is necessary that each Christian draws upon the example and teaching to live in the light of God's word

Mary and Joseph did not have an easy life, everywhere I went childhood of Jesus had to endure difficulties, obstacles, abuse and denial, but nothing has shaken their marriage because it rests firmly on the Word of God

Today many families break up over nothing, doing their children a scapegoat for download tensions and resentment . That's not how you live the marriage according to God's plan: any adversity, even the most bloody and be entrusted to him without fear. Because God loves his family so visceral, having chosen this picture to appear in the world. The image of love, spousal unit who knows only one kind of joy: the joy of being chosen by God to carry everywhere the example of a new type of life.

Monday, December 8, 2008

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The true Christian Christmas

E 'the place where God's love for the poor manifests itself through us, is what makes each instrument of peace in serenity.

The Christian God receives the child into the arms of the spiritual heart, making itself the ideal cradle for the King of kings.

Christmas is this and only this: the real party is our salvation is accomplished! Alleluia!

Friday, October 24, 2008

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LA Family of Jesus 'WE

From the Gospel of Mark chapter. 3, 31-35

"They came his mother and his and brothers, standing outside, sent him to call. Everything was sitting around the crowd and said: "Behold your mother, your brothers and your sisters are outside asking for you." But he answered them, "Who is my mother and who are my brothers?". Looking around on those who sat around and said, Behold my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God, he is my brother, sister and mother. "

Jesus makes us understand that being a family means to unite his own will to that of the other components. Each of us can not live without in their own world conform to what is the "rule" of life of the group to which they belong: a child can not ignore the father's wishes, but if you want to live with justice, must listen to the teachings of it.

Certainly, modern society has led to the so-called "youth protest", but with what result? Chaos and difficulties of communication in the family and outside, intolerance for anything that is "law", "discipline", "authority" in some touching up to moral anarchy and civil cases.

Jesus tells us that only by loving God with a heart cleansed from many doubts, worries of the world we can overcome evil. We as children belong to our Heavenly Father and He loved us even with our mistakes and with our sins. To love God means to do His will as obedient children, and sure to be heard in the prayers because we try to do our mirror of the Gospel of life.

Monday, October 13, 2008

How To Camouflage Thermostat Wall

The Word of God day and night

E 'the experience in Rome at the Basilica of St. Cross in Jerusalem, where for seven days, 24 hours at 24 has been fully read the Holy Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.
Common people, actors, singers, politicians and prelates have given the change in the reading of passages.
The first reading was His Holiness Benedict XVI and the last Secretary of State Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone. Great crowd, making even long lines, has assisted in church and out, reading, and the event has attracted a great interest in the Book of Books, so much so that there was a rush of buying ... best seller of all time, the book - truth that knows no end because it is based on a word of life that comes from him who is master of it.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thank You For Coming Message Debut

The last shall be first

Jesus calls us to humility, because without a simple heart like a child, you will enjoy eternal joy.

When you want to be superior to others, and unfortunately this happens in many families, every spark becomes Fire raging unchecked and it can be hard to extinguish.

The last shall be first, for Jesus: what? That all those who feel cast aside, not considered, either for their physical appearance, you want to skin color, want to maybe poor education, will instead be the first in the heart of God is not a trivial matter !

Children do not have any claim, who they are, do not put on display to look different. Their thinking is sincere, can not lie and that's why Jesus loves them. "If you do not return as children, the Kingdom of Heaven will be closed for you," said Jesus

strive So off to withdraw from this layer of lies that often characterizes the way we do and we welcome all our brothers and sisters, for which we will become a model to follow.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

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Take care of your soul

Jesus recommends to us, always, every day, to keep our soul in the best way, so that we can be prepared to live with him the joys of heaven.
Too often we ignore this important invitation that makes us the Lord, because they were selfishness and superficiality of our daily lives, we are not aware of His presence.
In our children, especially when they are young, we teach many things: a dress, to tidy the room, to be made at the table, not to speak with his mouth full, etc.. but we do not care about the most important aspect of their lives, the spiritual, thinking, maybe I'm too young to understand. On the contrary! E 'right now that these rules must be issued to them, because the fragility of childhood can be more easily assimilated and put into practice. The human soul must be trained from an early age, therefore, must be exercised in the gym because the Lord can successfully win the Olympics of life and obtain from Jesus the crown of eternal glory, to enjoy with Him forever

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Medical Marijuana For Tendanitis?


A God who loves us treating them as children! What a joy for the believer! Ever there was a religion that made God a Father, which shows that the Christian God is a God, one true, unique, that other religions except Judaism from which we come and where we complement, are not authentic, are just philosophies, thoughts that can not rise to religious belief.
Jesus submitted to His Father as our own, we were not excluded from this great filial love, because men and women who believe they are God's family "I go to prepare a place," said Jesus, before ascending to Heaven and this suggests as the love of God looks like a house, where a dinner table near the fireplace, a table spread where the head is God who blesses us and caresses. Here's how I imagine heaven!
Otherwise if it does not not explain why the good Lord's Prayer Jesus taught us: in the Mass is usually recited raising his arms in a gesture of filial love for God: it is as if we said "Abba, Father help us, not leave us. "
children of my parish, St. Gaspar Del Bufalo, Rome, the acting hand in hand, so a typical sweet and beautiful child who wants to present itself as good and obedient to his dad.
Whichever way we express ourselves, we always say the Lord God our thanks for being the ultimate parent, one who will love us always beyond the boundaries of time.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Who Is The Best Hitter Of The Ball

love their children as God's gift of a child's face

Too often we forget the importance and role of a child in our lives and we just think we are the only bearers of love for our creatures.
But children are not our own: we are God's instruments, as parents, to give them life, love, but not for this we must consider them as persons subject to our will. We often read of "Padre Padrone", possessive mothers, without thinking that the only one who can hold the exclusivity of their children's lives (like our) God is
We must leave our children free to make their choices (always in tune with the Christian faith and prinicipi) but not the share.
Many families are saddened when a son or daughter decides to take her vows: I grieve, why grieve? It 's a joy for that to happen, because it means that young creature who has been touched by the Lord.
If God has decided to enter the heart of the boy or girl means so arrogant that they were a great gift from God to parents. Amiamoli so our kids, whatever choice they do, although it may take them away from us to serve God by lay or religious. They can only get the good that we all ricolmerà divine grace.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Designyour Own Wrestler

There is nothing in the world can give us peace beyond the smile of a child. In his eyes there is no bitterness about a life lived in the compromise, the subterfuge, in the collapse, but there is hope in the future, love that too often we adults lose.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven", not without why he said these words, because there used to the idea of \u200b\u200ba God who loves us, that does not condemn us, but we forgive. A God who took us as children, not as subjects of His Kingdom.
And a child who looks at us with wide eyes, we can not find the mystery of God he became a child to come among us, cried and sucked the milk of Mary as many children in the womb of its mother . To make us understand that our real life knows no end, is always like that of innocent children who do not know the malice of sin.
Too many children, however, know the violence, the evil in the flesh, but God makes their innocence remains unassailable spiritual harm suffered by in the body. He decided that every child is beloved for his father's heart, despite all the abuse.
become like children: The Kingdom of God opens for us.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Best Deals On Sausage Stuffers In Canada

understand life

What does today's world to life? Nothing! The man did not defend it, even the attacks, and if crushed can suppress it. Life is a sublime gift of the Creator, the only truly precious gift that each of us must take care, love and protect. Life, said the S. Father Benedict XVI, should be preserved since its very beginning: it is from that moment on, that human existence is destined to grow! In every thing, event, situation there is always a beginning, and this applies to life: it does not explode suddenly in the world already made, but needs a training process, in the womb, through the first time made a tiny cell. This cell is life.
So every Christian is called to protect all life, for self-respect and above all the Creator, because, because of His mercy, we have been resurrected to new life.
Our God is a God of life is important to live for Him, He loves our life as it is for eternity.
So really understand what it means to live, and we make Our life is a continuous song of praise to Him who has given us.