What does today's world to life? Nothing! The man did not defend it, even the attacks, and if crushed can suppress it. Life is a sublime gift of the Creator, the only truly precious gift that each of us must take care, love and protect. Life, said the S. Father Benedict XVI, should be preserved since its very beginning: it is from that moment on, that human existence is destined to grow! In every thing, event, situation there is always a beginning, and this applies to life: it does not explode suddenly in the world already made, but needs a training process, in the womb, through the first time made a tiny cell. This cell is life.
So every Christian is called to protect all life, for self-respect and above all the Creator, because, because of His mercy, we have been resurrected to new life.
Our God is a God of life is important to live for Him, He loves our life as it is for eternity.
So really understand what it means to live, and we make Our life is a continuous song of praise to Him who has given us.
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