Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Half Brick House Pitchures

Calvary staff

I the his personal Calvary

O rmai mined in physical illnesses, for the fatigue, the constant movement and fast , Francis was forced to move away from the world and the Government Order, which had created though not the intention. N ell'estate 1224, retired on Monte della Verna (Auvergne) in Casentino, along with some of his companions to celebrate by fasting and intense participation in the Passion of Christ, "Lent of St. Michael the Archangel." L the morning of Sept. 14, the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, while praying on his side of the mountain, down from the sky saw a seraph with six wings of flame and light, that came up in the air remaining in the air. F ra the wings of the seraph, Francis saw the flashing figure of a man with his hands and feet stretched out and nailed to a cross, and when the vision disappeared in the heart of Francis left an admirable zeal and in the flesh the marks of crucifixion for the first time in the history of Catholic saints, occurred the miracle of the stigmata. D isceso by Verna, visibly in pain and turned, he wanted to return to Assisi, was also laid low by various diseases, stomach, the spleen and liver, with frequent hemoptysis, was also the view of the left, due to trachoma contract during his trip to East.


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