Relying on the one who was able to overcome the fear of the unknown, who showed us how beautiful and full of spiritual gifts, pray to God every day, is the most effective way for Christians to contemplate the glory of heaven. Mary is there, watching us all with love because he knows that inside of us, hardened sinners, there is a place for you
no coincidence that many inmates have a deep devotion to the Heavenly Mother ... and the prisons of Rome You are entitled to: Regina Coeli.
God wanted perfect in life and so is the hour of death, she must maintain the same image both on land and in heaven, because they can offer to those who lost a light of hope and faith.
Mary was taken up in heaven with all His glorious body, to show mankind who believe in His Son Jesus as we are in the presence dl Father holy and blameless, though, since this life, we understand our limitations and we entrust to divine love. Dei ora pro nobis St. Genitrix ..
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