Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Creating My Own Wedding Gown

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "hard" and indicates a point of intersection where they meet the body and mind. These centers allow the passage between different dimensions (emotional, thought, physical body), which in turn affect the outside world and interactions with others.

The chakras are centers of activity for the reception, assimilation and transmission of vital energy. transmit energy from the center of the body assimilate the energy that penetrates from the outside in the center.

The chakras can be opened or closed, excessive or deficient or be in an intermediate stage.
If a chakra is blocked in a closed state, then it is not able to generate or receive energy.

Each chakra is connected to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
An imbalance in a chakra would lead to an imbalance of energy in certain organs members. Then the chakra needs to be healed, discovering and removing what blocks it.

For example, a person very close with the third chakra (personal power) would be terrified to make a speech in public, a person with the second chakra is very open (sexuality) may have many sexual partners, while a person with a closed chakra has difficulty manterenere even a relationship, and who has an excessive throat chakra can talk too much without really listening, while another may find it difficult to say just a few words.
who continually struggle with issues of survival, such as health and money, has problems with the first chakra. Who lives in the world of the imagination can be locked to the sixth chakra.

The chakras can be opened and aligned through various exercises, meditation and visualization.

If you want to learn the techniques of self-healing of the chakras, feel free to contact me .

There 7 main chakras and several minor chakras in the subtle body, in the human these correspond to the seven-story archetypal levels of consciousness as well as various physical attributes.

a Chakra, Red, located at the base of the spine and is associated with survival . Its element is Earth .
Chakra two , orange, located in the lower abdomen, is associated with emotions and sexuality . Her element is the 'Water .
three Chakra, yellow, located in the solar plexus, is associated with and personal power to ' metabolic energy. Its element is Fire .
Chakra four , green, located above the sternum, at heart, is associated to 'Love . Her element is the 'Air .
Chakra five, blue, located in the throat, is associated the communication and creativity . Her element is the sound .
Chakra six , indigo, located in the center of the forehead and is associated with clairvoyance , all ' and intuition to' imagination. Her element is the light .
seven Chakra, color from purple to white, located on top of the head is associated with knowledge, the understanding and transcendent consciousness. Her element is the Thought.

The terms illness and healing used here belong to the spiritual sphere of the individual.


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