follia_I popes
The Popes
Now is the time of the popes, who are the place of Christ on earth. no more than they would suffer if they try to imitate life, if they thought their names to the pope, which means father, and their status of Blessed, who would spend so much to buy that place to defend, then the sword with poison, with all his strength? How many benefits should say goodbye, if wisdom could scarcely be heard! But I say wisdom? I should say that a grain of salt mentioned by Christ. Farewell to riches, honor, power, victory, charges, licenses, taxes, indulgences, horses, mules, guards and pleasures! Just look 'that market, what kind of harvest lush sea of \u200b\u200bwealth that I have concentrated in a few words! What little salt replace all this with vigils, fasts, tears, prayers, sermons, studies, suffering, and many other demanding jobs like that.
yet not insignificant-particularly-many would have starved scribes, copyists, notaries, lawyers, sales representatives, secretaries, mule drivers, grooms, treasurers, pimps, and was about to add a term more effeminate, but I fear that offends the 'ears-in short, a large group of which the Roman See has the burden-excuse the slip, I mean, the honor would be starving. That would be inhumane, indeed abominable, and even more detestable to reduce staff and even the same sack the chief princes of the Church, which are the true light of the world.
Now, if there are efforts to do, leave them to Peter and Paul, who have so much free time, and retain for himself the glory and pleasure, when there is. So, with my help, there is almost no one more than their face, in perfect tranquility, a great life, convinced that they have fully discharged their duty to Christ, if they fulfill their function of bishops with an impressive apparatus almost theater, with ceremonial and profusion of titles: Bliss, Your Grace, Holiness, and blessings and curses. No longer used to miracles stuff of yesteryear.
Teaching is tiring to the faithful, to interpret the Scriptures is work to be done in school, prayer is a waste of time, shedding tears and feminine is poor, live in abject poverty; yield is unworthy of those who barely acknowledges the king to kiss his blessed feet, and finally, the unfortunate death and shameful to be put on the cross.
remain only the weapons and the "sweet blessings" mentioned by St. Paul, and they use so width: bans, suspensions, convictions increased, anathemas, pillory, and that terrible thunderbolt with which to sign of the head, sending the souls of mortals deepest hell. Of the lightning, the most holy fathers in Christ, and Christ's vicars, are served with the utmost violence, especially against those who, for evil impulse, trying to reduce and gnawing on heritage of Peter. Although the words of Peter in the Gospel is: "We left everything to follow you," they identify with the legacy of Peter the fields, towns, taxes, duties, domains. And while, lit by the love of Christ, fight for these things with fire and sword, not without much bloodshed Christian, believe that they defend the apostolic Church, the Bride of Christ, destroying what they call a brave enemies. As if the Church had the worst enemies of the popes who are not wicked word of Christ was for them, would vanish into oblivion and legislating the banner of greed, put him in chains, with their interpretations distort the teaching force, with their vile habits kill him.
Since the Christian Church was established, strengthened and enlarged with blood, now, as if Christ had died, leaving the faithful without protection in accordance with its law, rule by the sword, and, although the war thing so cruel as to agree to the beasts rather than men, so insane that even the poets have imagined they were to unleash the Furies, so ruinous to bring the total corruption of manners, so unjust to the worst offenders to offer the best opportunity to succeed, so wicked that they have nothing in common with Christ, however, ignore everything else just to make war. You can see decrepit old who show a strong spirit of youth, do not be afraid in front of the costs, do not give in to fatigue, not retreat even an inch of upsetting the laws, religion, peace, all human good. I also have learned sycophants, ready to call this apparent madness zeal, piety, fortitude, devising stratagems that allow the iron grip of death and plunge into the depths of his brother without fail in that supreme love which, according to the precept of Christ, is what a Christian is more than anything to his neighbor.
From "In Praise of Folly," Erasmus of Rotterdam
Monday, February 28, 2011
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Praise of Praise of Praise of follia_I
same can be said for the Cardinals, they should remember that they are the successors of the Apostles, and that they require the same works, not masters, but stewards of the spiritual goods, which soon will have to answer accurately.
If you think a bit 'too on their clothing and asks: "What does the whiteness of the spool, if not extreme and rare purity of life and what do the purple in the dress, if not most ardent love of God, and what the external one, which with its width covers the entire formula of the Most Reverend, and that would be enough to cover even a camel? Does it not mean the love that is spreading everywhere to come to the aid of all, namely to teach, exhort, comfort, rebuke, admonish, resolve conflicts and to oppose the evil prince? It does not mean the generous sacrifice, not only of their wealth, but also of his own blood for the sake of the Christian flock? To that end, the wealth, if the Cardinals are the roads of the Apostles, who were poor? If you reflect on these things, I say, not ambirebbero in their place and left him happy, or would lead a life of work and urges, the manner of the ancient Apostles.
From "In Praise of Folly, Erasmus of Rotterdam
same can be said for the Cardinals, they should remember that they are the successors of the Apostles, and that they require the same works, not masters, but stewards of the spiritual goods, which soon will have to answer accurately.
If you think a bit 'too on their clothing and asks: "What does the whiteness of the spool, if not extreme and rare purity of life and what do the purple in the dress, if not most ardent love of God, and what the external one, which with its width covers the entire formula of the Most Reverend, and that would be enough to cover even a camel? Does it not mean the love that is spreading everywhere to come to the aid of all, namely to teach, exhort, comfort, rebuke, admonish, resolve conflicts and to oppose the evil prince? It does not mean the generous sacrifice, not only of their wealth, but also of his own blood for the sake of the Christian flock? To that end, the wealth, if the Cardinals are the roads of the Apostles, who were poor? If you reflect on these things, I say, not ambirebbero in their place and left him happy, or would lead a life of work and urges, the manner of the ancient Apostles.
From "In Praise of Folly, Erasmus of Rotterdam
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follia_I cardinal bishops
long ago the popes, cardinals and emulate the bishops, or even exceed, the kind of life principles. Of course, if everyone would reflect on the meaning of fine linen, dazzling whiteness of the snow-white, a symbol of a blameless life, the meaning of the submachine gun with two points combined in one node, indicating a perfect knowledge of the Old and New Testaments; or gloved hands, a sign of purity, free from all human failure, with which the sacraments are administered, which means if you ask the pastoral staff, symbol of the extreme care with which they watch over their flock or what the cross carried before, indicating the victory over all human passions, well, I say, if one reflects on these things, and other like that, that would be his life, full of melancholy and suffering! Instead, enjoy themselves, feeding themselves, and care of the flock, or remit the same to Christ, or the discharge on those who call brother or vicars. Do not remember the title or the meaning of their name to their bishops, bishop means hard work, care and concern. Instead, they are guardians to grab money and I am always vigilant.
From "In Praise of Folly, Erasmus of Rotterdam
long ago the popes, cardinals and emulate the bishops, or even exceed, the kind of life principles. Of course, if everyone would reflect on the meaning of fine linen, dazzling whiteness of the snow-white, a symbol of a blameless life, the meaning of the submachine gun with two points combined in one node, indicating a perfect knowledge of the Old and New Testaments; or gloved hands, a sign of purity, free from all human failure, with which the sacraments are administered, which means if you ask the pastoral staff, symbol of the extreme care with which they watch over their flock or what the cross carried before, indicating the victory over all human passions, well, I say, if one reflects on these things, and other like that, that would be his life, full of melancholy and suffering! Instead, enjoy themselves, feeding themselves, and care of the flock, or remit the same to Christ, or the discharge on those who call brother or vicars. Do not remember the title or the meaning of their name to their bishops, bishop means hard work, care and concern. Instead, they are guardians to grab money and I am always vigilant.
From "In Praise of Folly, Erasmus of Rotterdam
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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I know significa_Tania
So that means sitting in front of a white page and never see her again because that page, before you even fill, is already full of yourself, before you even speak, is already talking about you.
So that means not being able to sleep at night because the night does not make sense to stay because I have to keep them open their eyes to dream, because I know what I dream and my dream is in those eyes, where there ' is more if not your reflection.
I know what it feel even without seeing him, because every single word your breaks on me and destroy all that noise that I hear most is the silence of my thoughts.
So that means you have someone without ever having, I know it means I hear you and because there are so eternal from my never-ending, nor so short that it can not be forgotten.
So that means to look at or get tired, never see you without looking, I know it means to have fear, what fear has to lose, but how much love you have no fear.
So that means having to live in the world and know that our world can not never exist, which may be in us, but we exist in an environment in which we can not ever exist.
I know it means to be left alone, left to themselves with nothing left to itself, so that means when you take away something that remains empty and does not disappear anymore, but I do not know what it means not to see me again in your eyes or never wake up in your thinking.
I just know that I'm afraid to find out.
Tania Pignanelli
So that means sitting in front of a white page and never see her again because that page, before you even fill, is already full of yourself, before you even speak, is already talking about you.
So that means not being able to sleep at night because the night does not make sense to stay because I have to keep them open their eyes to dream, because I know what I dream and my dream is in those eyes, where there ' is more if not your reflection.
I know what it feel even without seeing him, because every single word your breaks on me and destroy all that noise that I hear most is the silence of my thoughts.
So that means you have someone without ever having, I know it means I hear you and because there are so eternal from my never-ending, nor so short that it can not be forgotten.
So that means to look at or get tired, never see you without looking, I know it means to have fear, what fear has to lose, but how much love you have no fear.
So that means having to live in the world and know that our world can not never exist, which may be in us, but we exist in an environment in which we can not ever exist.
I know it means to be left alone, left to themselves with nothing left to itself, so that means when you take away something that remains empty and does not disappear anymore, but I do not know what it means not to see me again in your eyes or never wake up in your thinking.
I just know that I'm afraid to find out.
Tania Pignanelli
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and heart
not flee
Tania Pignanelli
you hunt
and heart
not flee
Tania Pignanelli
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will meet again find themselves in a memory that we can not erase.
Tania Pignanelli
will meet again find themselves in a memory that we can not erase.
Tania Pignanelli
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Your eyes
And to see so
In your thoughts
Tania Pignanelli
Your eyes
And to see so
In your thoughts
Tania Pignanelli
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Muladhara, root chakra Chakra
Muladhara, the root chakra.
Its color is red and is located at the base of the spine at the perineum.
In the Tarot card corresponds to Coins of .
Consciousness in the Muladhara chakra is primarily related to physical survival, the health , all 'monetary and material existence the ability to demonstrate and focus on our needs.
If balancing this chakra before moving on to others, our growth will be free of roots, bases, and will miss the stability required for proper growth.
Muladhara, the root chakra.
Its color is red and is located at the base of the spine at the perineum.
In the Tarot card corresponds to Coins of .
Consciousness in the Muladhara chakra is primarily related to physical survival, the health , all 'monetary and material existence the ability to demonstrate and focus on our needs.
If balancing this chakra before moving on to others, our growth will be free of roots, bases, and will miss the stability required for proper growth.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel" or "hard" and indicates a point of intersection where they meet the body and mind. These centers allow the passage between different dimensions (emotional, thought, physical body), which in turn affect the outside world and interactions with others.
The chakras are centers of activity for the reception, assimilation and transmission of vital energy. transmit energy from the center of the body assimilate the energy that penetrates from the outside in the center.
The chakras can be opened or closed, excessive or deficient or be in an intermediate stage.
If a chakra is blocked in a closed state, then it is not able to generate or receive energy.
Each chakra is connected to a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
An imbalance in a chakra would lead to an imbalance of energy in certain organs members. Then the chakra needs to be healed, discovering and removing what blocks it.
For example, a person very close with the third chakra (personal power) would be terrified to make a speech in public, a person with the second chakra is very open (sexuality) may have many sexual partners, while a person with a closed chakra has difficulty manterenere even a relationship, and who has an excessive throat chakra can talk too much without really listening, while another may find it difficult to say just a few words.
who continually struggle with issues of survival, such as health and money, has problems with the first chakra. Who lives in the world of the imagination can be locked to the sixth chakra.
The chakras can be opened and aligned through various exercises, meditation and visualization.
If you want to learn the techniques of self-healing of the chakras, feel free to contact me .
There 7 main chakras and several minor chakras in the subtle body, in the human these correspond to the seven-story archetypal levels of consciousness as well as various physical attributes.
a Chakra, Red, located at the base of the spine and is associated with survival . Its element is Earth .
Chakra two , orange, located in the lower abdomen, is associated with emotions and sexuality . Her element is the 'Water .
three Chakra, yellow, located in the solar plexus, is associated with and personal power to ' metabolic energy. Its element is Fire .
Chakra four , green, located above the sternum, at heart, is associated to 'Love . Her element is the 'Air .
Chakra five, blue, located in the throat, is associated the communication and creativity . Her element is the sound .
Chakra six , indigo, located in the center of the forehead and is associated with clairvoyance , all ' and intuition to' imagination. Her element is the light .
seven Chakra, color from purple to white, located on top of the head is associated with knowledge, the understanding and transcendent consciousness. Her element is the Thought.
The terms illness and healing used here belong to the spiritual sphere of the individual.
Monday, February 14, 2011
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Forza Venite Gente
It lasted this way of speaking well of two miles, Brother Leo wondered with great admiration and said: "Father, I pray God's side to tell me where is perfect joy." And St. Francis said, "When we will be in St. Mary of the Angels, so wet for the chilling rain and cold and muddy for the lotus and afflicted with hunger and knock the door of the place, and 'the porter will be angry and say "Who are you?" and we say "we are two of 'your brothers, and he will say:" You do not tell the truth, even you could go two scoundrels deceiving the world and stealing the alms de' poor, go away "and there will, and Faracchio stand outside the snow and rain, with cold and hunger, even to dollar night
then if we so much injustice and cruelty and will support many farewells without disturbing patiently and without murmuring him, and think humbly that the janitor really knows us, that God doth speak against us, O Brother Leo, write that here is perfect joy. And if indeed remain in her hitting and he will come out upset, and how to drive us with importunate rascals gotate insults and saying: "Depart hence, vile thief, go to the hospital, here you shall not eat, no hotels, that if we will stop patiently and with joy, and with good love, O Brother Leo, write that there is perfect joy. and yet if we compelled by hunger and cold, and knocked, and called most of the night and pray for the love of God with many tears that we open and mettaci well inside, and the most scandalized say, 'These are importunate rascals, I will promissory note as well are worthy, and come out with a club pilot, and for the pigliaraccci gitteracci hood and on the ground and in snow and involgeracci batteracci a node to node with the stick if we will support all these things patiently and with joy, thinking about the pains of Christ blessed, which we must bear for his love, O Brother subscribe here and this is perfect joy. And therefore hear the conclusion, Brother Leo. Above all the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit, who gives to his friends, has to overcome himself and willingly for the love of Christ supporting sentences, insults and opprobrium and discomfort; empire in all the other gifts of God us we can not boast, but that are not ours, but God, that the Apostle says: "What have you, who has not from God? and if thou hast had from him, why do you glory as if you had for yourself? "But in the cross of tribulation and anguish, we may glory, but the apostle says:" I do not want to boast if not in cross of our Lord Jesus Christ " - (Franciscan Sources, 1836)
It lasted this way of speaking well of two miles, Brother Leo wondered with great admiration and said: "Father, I pray God's side to tell me where is perfect joy." And St. Francis said, "When we will be in St. Mary of the Angels, so wet for the chilling rain and cold and muddy for the lotus and afflicted with hunger and knock the door of the place, and 'the porter will be angry and say "Who are you?" and we say "we are two of 'your brothers, and he will say:" You do not tell the truth, even you could go two scoundrels deceiving the world and stealing the alms de' poor, go away "and there will, and Faracchio stand outside the snow and rain, with cold and hunger, even to dollar night

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magic talisman to attract love
Prepare a bag of red natural fabric (silk, cotton, wool), placed within the rose petals and dried lavender, a red stone (like Ruby), a shell and a white piece of paper with your intention written in red ink. For example, you write: "The person who comes to me is for me."
Bring it around the neck or the left pocket.
Great for attracting love during the Valentine's Day.
Prepare a bag of red natural fabric (silk, cotton, wool), placed within the rose petals and dried lavender, a red stone (like Ruby), a shell and a white piece of paper with your intention written in red ink. For example, you write: "The person who comes to me is for me."
Bring it around the neck or the left pocket.
Great for attracting love during the Valentine's Day.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Vegetarian Option Wording
Talisman free
Get a little 'pink cloth, silk or cotton, the important thing is that it is not synthetic, sew the sides and close it with a ribbon the same color. Inside the bag
ask a handful of dill, 3 red rose petals and a small piece of granite. Bring it around the neck with a brooch or stopped. And 'better if I stay in contact with the skin.
Get a little 'pink cloth, silk or cotton, the important thing is that it is not synthetic, sew the sides and close it with a ribbon the same color. Inside the bag
ask a handful of dill, 3 red rose petals and a small piece of granite. Bring it around the neck with a brooch or stopped. And 'better if I stay in contact with the skin.
Monday, February 7, 2011
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How to seduce see the aura
This is the story of how I see my aura.
I chose a white background in a not very enlightened, almost in shadow.
Standing, I stretched my arms forward and I put the palms toward me.
I relaxed and I went into a state similar to what I have when I do meditation.
I started staring at his hands, especially the fingers, without haste.
At first it appeared like a white haze around the fingers, then began to color.
looked like a flame, like that of burning gas.
Since that time, I could always see it.
Following these guidelines, if you wish, I hope you will be able to see your aura.
As all matter, even our body is made of energy, and aura is what we see in our energy field. It 'important that our aura is clear and bright because it means that our energy is strong, we're good.
If you feel that your energy is weak, call me, together we can raise it and rebalance a distance.
This is the story of how I see my aura.
I chose a white background in a not very enlightened, almost in shadow.
Standing, I stretched my arms forward and I put the palms toward me.
I relaxed and I went into a state similar to what I have when I do meditation.
I started staring at his hands, especially the fingers, without haste.
At first it appeared like a white haze around the fingers, then began to color.
looked like a flame, like that of burning gas.
Since that time, I could always see it.
Following these guidelines, if you wish, I hope you will be able to see your aura.
As all matter, even our body is made of energy, and aura is what we see in our energy field. It 'important that our aura is clear and bright because it means that our energy is strong, we're good.
If you feel that your energy is weak, call me, together we can raise it and rebalance a distance.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
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The fire of desire transforms us
E 'desire to feed the fire of the movement. Thanks to the will we get rid of the box set and crare a new behavior. It 's our intention to move away from the path of custom, expectations of others, and while we make difficult actions we are taking these actions, we begin to transform.
(Anodea Judith about Manipura, the third chakra)
E 'desire to feed the fire of the movement. Thanks to the will we get rid of the box set and crare a new behavior. It 's our intention to move away from the path of custom, expectations of others, and while we make difficult actions we are taking these actions, we begin to transform.
(Anodea Judith about Manipura, the third chakra)
Friday, February 4, 2011
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Getting back to the bottom
Sometimes we just get to the bottom of things. Only then will we find the strength to give us the push that makes us rise to the surface.
breathe again, renewal and rebirth .
Sometimes we just get to the bottom of things. Only then will we find the strength to give us the push that makes us rise to the surface.
breathe again, renewal and rebirth .
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tricare And Auto Accidents
We need to name things, events ...
We need to name things, events, define and explain what happens to us, so we invented the language.
We need to name things, events, define and explain what happens to us, so we invented the language.
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