Praise of Praise of Praise of follia_I
same can be said for the Cardinals, they should remember that they are the successors of the Apostles, and that they require the same works, not masters, but stewards of the spiritual goods, which soon will have to answer accurately.
If you think a bit 'too on their clothing and asks: "What does the whiteness of the spool, if not extreme and rare purity of life and what do the purple in the dress, if not most ardent love of God, and what the external one, which with its width covers the entire formula of the Most Reverend, and that would be enough to cover even a camel? Does it not mean the love that is spreading everywhere to come to the aid of all, namely to teach, exhort, comfort, rebuke, admonish, resolve conflicts and to oppose the evil prince? It does not mean the generous sacrifice, not only of their wealth, but also of his own blood for the sake of the Christian flock? To that end, the wealth, if the Cardinals are the roads of the Apostles, who were poor? If you reflect on these things, I say, not ambirebbero in their place and left him happy, or would lead a life of work and urges, the manner of the ancient Apostles.
From "In Praise of Folly, Erasmus of Rotterdam
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