Monday, February 28, 2011

Effects Of Indomie Noodles

follia_I cardinal bishops


long ago the popes, cardinals and emulate the bishops, or even exceed, the kind of life principles. Of course, if everyone would reflect on the meaning of fine linen, dazzling whiteness of the snow-white, a symbol of a blameless life, the meaning of the submachine gun with two points combined in one node, indicating a perfect knowledge of the Old and New Testaments; or gloved hands, a sign of purity, free from all human failure, with which the sacraments are administered, which means if you ask the pastoral staff, symbol of the extreme care with which they watch over their flock or what the cross carried before, indicating the victory over all human passions, well, I say, if one reflects on these things, and other like that, that would be his life, full of melancholy and suffering! Instead, enjoy themselves, feeding themselves, and care of the flock, or remit the same to Christ, or the discharge on those who call brother or vicars. Do not remember the title or the meaning of their name to their bishops, bishop means hard work, care and concern. Instead, they are guardians to grab money and I am always vigilant.

From "In Praise of Folly, Erasmus of Rotterdam


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