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Forza Venite Gente It lasted this way of speaking well of two miles, Brother Leo wondered with great admiration and said: "Father, I pray God's side to tell me where is perfect joy." And St. Francis said, "When we will be in St. Mary of the Angels, so wet for the chilling rain and cold and muddy for the lotus and afflicted with hunger and knock the door of the place, and 'the porter will be angry and say "Who are you?" and we say "we are two of 'your brothers, and he will say:" You do not tell the truth, even you could go two scoundrels deceiving the world and stealing the alms de' poor, go away "and there will, and Faracchio stand outside the snow and rain, with cold and hunger, even to dollar night
then if we so much injustice and cruelty and will support many farewells without disturbing patiently and without murmuring him, and think humbly that the janitor really knows us, that God doth speak against us, O Brother Leo, write that here is perfect joy. And if indeed remain in her hitting and he will come out upset, and how to drive us with importunate rascals gotate insults and saying: "Depart hence, vile thief, go to the hospital, here you shall not eat, no hotels, that if we will stop patiently and with joy, and with good love, O Brother Leo, write that there is perfect joy. and yet if we compelled by hunger and cold, and knocked, and called most of the night and pray for the love of God with many tears that we open and mettaci well inside, and the most scandalized say, 'These are importunate rascals, I will promissory note as well are worthy, and come out with a club pilot, and for the pigliaraccci gitteracci hood and on the ground and in snow and involgeracci batteracci a node to node with the stick if we will support all these things patiently and with joy, thinking about the pains of Christ blessed, which we must bear for his love, O Brother subscribe here and this is perfect joy. And therefore hear the conclusion, Brother Leo. Above all the graces and gifts of the Holy Spirit, who gives to his friends, has to overcome himself and willingly for the love of Christ supporting sentences, insults and opprobrium and discomfort; empire in all the other gifts of God us we can not boast, but that are not ours, but God, that the Apostle says: "What have you, who has not from God? and if thou hast had from him, why do you glory as if you had for yourself? "But in the cross of tribulation and anguish, we may glory, but the apostle says:" I do not want to boast if not in cross of our Lord Jesus Christ " - (Franciscan Sources, 1836) Amen
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